Symposium & Award Call 2024
Dear colleagues,
The board of the De Snoo van ’t Hoogerhuijs Foundation is organising the Foundation’s traditional biennial symposium on Friday 19 April 2024 at the Gertrudiskapel in Utrecht. The theme this time is ‘Reproduction in an ageing society’.
I am pleased to present to you the invitation with programme for the symposium, and the call for proposals for the junior and senior awards. Please share this invitation and call within your department and your wider network.
As usual, the scientific programme will consist of six keynote lectures by top international speakers, plus the presentations of research proposals by the winners of the two junior awards and the senior award, which are traditionally awarded around the symposium to proposals by researchers in reproductive sciences, in the broadest sense. There is no cost to participate in the symposium; however, the number of places is limited.
Participation in the symposium is free of charge. Would you like to register straight away? Then click on the button below, which will take you to the registration website.
I hope to welcome you and your colleagues on 19 April.
Kind regards,
Prof. Dr A. (Arie) Franx
(Professor of Obstetrics in particular the life course approach to fetal development and maternal health Obstetrics and Gynaecology)