2022 | (Senior) Dr. J. Been | Erasmus MC | EMC PREgnancy outcomes during a PAndemic REsponse (PREPARE) – unlocking lockdown’s silver lining |
2022 | (Junior) Dr. N. Lahrouchi | Amsterdam UMC
| Abstract of proposal for VENI application |
2022 | (Junior) N.A.S. van Zundert | Erasmus MC | A biological signature for maternal vulnerability, and its impact on embryonic growth |
2019 | (Senior) Prof. Dr. Ir. Björn Menten | Principal investigator, UZ Gent | New developments in preimplantation Genetic Testing Towards Non-Invasive, Comprehensive Screening
2019 | (Senior) Dr. Geert Hamer
| Principle Investigator Reproduction & Development, Amsterdam UMC
| Role of Germ Cell-Specific Genes in the Origin and Development of Cancer. |
2019 | (Junior) Bernadette de Bakker MD, PhD
| Human Embryology, Amsterdam UMC | The 3D Atlas of Human Embrology; Little Effort – Hit Output. |
2017 | (Senior) Dr. Susana Chuva de Sousa Lopes | LUMC | Click for abstract article |
2017 | (Senior) Dr. Ewart W. Kuijk | UMC Utrecht | Damaged goods: genomic consequences of damaged sperm DNA on the developing human embryo / Click for abstract article
2017 | (Junior) Dr. Nienke E. van Hoogenhuijze | UMC Utrecht | Repeated implantation failure from the endometrial perspective: etiology and prognosis |
2017 | (Junior) Dr. Dian Winkelhorst | LUMC and Sanquin | Can we identity PHA-1a alloimmunized pregnancies at high risk for developing fetal or neonatal bleeding complications? |
2015 | (Senior) Bas B. van Rijn | UMC Utrecht | |
2015 | (Junior) Dr. Emiel Post Uiterweer | UMC Utrecht | |
2010 | Dr. E.J.H. Mulder | UMC Utrecht division Mother Child | |
2010 | Dr. Peter Nikkels
| UMC Utrecht | Expert in the field of perinatal or developmental pathology |
2006 | Dr. J. Leroy | | |
2006 | Dr S.M. de Souza Lopes | LUMC | |
2006 | Prof. dr K. Weijer | | |
2004 | Prof.dr. B. Kä Ilén | Lund, Sweden | Expert on registration of births and congenital defects in the Netherlands and the rest of the world |
2004 | Dr. O.J.S. van Hemel | Delft | |
2001 | Mw. dr. E. de Miranda | LUMC | Prevention and determinants of the patho physiology of post-term pregnancies |
2001 | Mw. M.J. Korenromp | | Determinants of psychosocial response to termination of pregnancy on genetic grounds before 24 weeks of pregnancy |
1999 | Prof. dr. D. Tautz | Munich, Germany | Expression patterns of homeotic genes in arthropods |
1999 | Dr. P.W.H. Holland | Reading, U.K. | Expression patterns of homeotic genes in chordates
1999 | Dr. M. Averof | Cambridge, U.K. and Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Iraklio, Krete, Greece | Expression patterns of homeotic genes in crustaceans |
1996 | Dr. J.G. Thornton | University of Leeds | |
1996 | Mw. B. Honnebier | Hollywood, CA, USA | |
1993 | Dr. A.J. Otte | | Molecular basis of experimental embryonic research into the development of the central nerve system |
1993 | Dr. M.A.M. Taverne | | Research on hormonal regulation of pregnancy and birth in various kinds of animals, as well as the development of ultrasound imaging on agricultural domestic animals and sea mammals |
1993 | Dr. J.G. Nijhuis | Gynaecologist, Nijmegen | Study on fetal behavior and intrauterine neurological research |
1991 | Mw. Dr. G.C.M.L. Christiaens | UMC Utrecht | Research in the field of gynaecology, in particular prenatal diagnostics |
1986 | Dr. A. Westerveld and Dr. J.H.J. Hoeijmakers | | Research on DNA repair in the human |
1983 | Dr. Peter M. Dunn | Pediatrician-neonatologist, Bristol, UK | Research on congenital hip dislocations and blood transfusion between fetus and placenta |
1979 | Dr. G.H. Zeilmaker | | Experimental oocyte maturation, oocyte and embryo freezing and parthenogenesis in the mouse |
1976 | Dr. W.J. Honnebier and Dr. D.F. Swaab | | Research on the role of the fetal system on the intrauterine growth and birth |
1973 | J.B. Bijlsma | Doctor at the laboratory for Anthropo biology in Amsterdam | Cytogenetic research on humans |
1970 | Dr.J.C. Seelen | Gynaecologist, Den Haag | Research in the broad field of reproduction |
1967 | Dr. C. Naaktgeboren | Biologist, Amsterdam | Comparative obstetrics in mammals |
1964 | Prof.dr. Arpad Csapo | Gynaecologist, School of Medicine, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri | Physiology of the pregnant uterus, in particular regarding progesteron |
1962 | Dr. C.A.W. Korenhof | Dentist | Morpho-genetic interpretation of sub-fossile upper molar material from Java |
1960 | Dr. J.L. Mastboom | Gynaecologist, Den Haag | |
1958 | Dr.O. Mühlbock | Histologist, Amsterdam | Hormonology and experimental creation of ovary tumour |
1955 | Dr. G.J. Kloosterman | Amsterdam | Research on the placenta, regulation of prenatal care and the problem of the post-term pregnancy |
1953 | Prof.dr. L.H. Bretschneider | Lector Zoological Laboratory, RU Utrecht | Fertilisation physiology and merits of the electron microscope |
1951 | Dr.G. Hellinga | Internist, Amsterdam | Research on male fertility disorders |